Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Seven Charkras: The Throat Center

Just imagine the expansive sky on a clear day and all the hues of blue that entertain us with a glorious presentation. These hues of blue correlate with the Throat Chakra, which empowers the creative energy within each one of us.
 Center your attention to the throat at the location of the thyroid gland and just feel an electrifying color of blue as it is absorbed into the gland and cells. This chakra is a power center and you can reignite energy by concentratng on this area for a while as you send the blue hues into it. As the center absorbs the bright blue colors, it activates and brings it to life.
 Air itself, is invisible, yet it is all around us. We breath it in without really seeing it. 
Actually, we just assume it is there for us. Use the same concept to breath in the different colors that correlate with your Seven Chakras. After a while you will be able to keep a steady handle on your emotions and, comfortably, live a more fulfilling life.
Often times, life's experiences can rob us of our creativity, power and positive energy. Let go of the outside experiences for a few minutes, center your attention only to the most electrifying blue you can imagine and feel it entering the cells and gland in the throat area of your body. The renewing of this center helps to open up possibilities of solutions to immediate problems, and inspirations for a more positive outlook.
There is always an answer to any situation that life hands you and the more inspiration you have to look to solutions, the happier and more productive you will be.

Next, we will cover the brow, Psychic Center..........

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Heart Chakra; Infinite Energy

The Heart Chakra is the center that is governed by the humanistic aspects of emotions such as love, growth, prosperity and wealth.
The color that coincides with this chakra is Green. All hues of the green are acceptable except any dull lifeless hue. Look for the rich essences of green and have it available wherever you are.
Golfers benefit by sunshine and the soft green beneath their feet. Next time, when outdoors soak in the energy from green tree leaves, grasses and shrubs.
The introduction of green soothes the heart center and opens up the spirit to recover from emotional losses that affect the heart.
Just picture a diamond centered around the heart and imagine the rich green color warming your center. This Chakra deals with givingness and often times an individual will close up after a hurt of some sort. If only, the opposite occurred. One can always give love from the heart and the more open an individual is the better the return of love, hope and prosperity of all sorts.
Feel pure love in the heart chakra and let it expand to all mankind to find the goodness in every spirit. Free up life with forgiveness and begin to enjoy life to the fullest!

Our next chakra coming soon.......